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Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Are you sure you want to end your turn?

Ending turns was never an easy decision in the legendary turn-based strategy game Heroes of Might and Magic 3. There was always more to do in the lands of Erathia - resources to gather, units to train, buildings to build and moves to make. This design is focused on the Castle town/faction and their good aligment decor.

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Basic info

Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (commonly referred to as Heroes of Might & Magic 3, or Heroes 3, or abbreviated HoMM 3) is a turn-based strategy game developed by Jon Van Caneghem through New World Computing originally released for Microsoft Windows by The 3DO Company in 1999. Its ports to several computer and console systems followed in 1999–2000. It is the third installment of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The game's story is first referenced throughout Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven and serves as a prequel to Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor. The player can choose to play through seven different campaigns telling the story, or play in a scenario against computer or human opponents.

Heroes of might and magic 3 tshirts

Fun facts

  • The Forge is a scrapped ninth playable faction/town in Heroes 3. 
  • It was going to be a very sci-fi oriented faction and while that might seem odd if you are a fan of just Heroes games, it would seem right at home in the broader Might and Magic series. 
  • Exclusion of the Forge also marked a very clear shift in the overall direction of M&M and it's story, active to this day.
  • All living Dragons and Hydras become Bone Dragons in the Skeleton Transformer. 
  • Pikemen and Halberdiers are immune to Cavaliers and Champions jousting bonus.
  • Despite being immune to magic, Black dragons can still die and take damage from creature magical abilities and spells (fire shield, death stare etc.).

Heroes of might and magic notebooks


  • Cheat codes are artivated by pressing TAB and then entering the code:
  • nwcfleshwound - 10 Death Knights in each empty creature slot
  • nwcshrubbery - additional gold and resources
  • nwctrojanrabbit - automatically win
  • nwcantioch - hero gains all War Machines
  • There are more but it is interesting how HoMM 3 cheats, even in expansion packs, always follow a theme. Here are some from the Armageddon's Blade expansion pack:
  • nwcpadme - Archangels in every open slot of your army
  • nwcdarthmaul - Black Knights in every open slot of your army
  • nwcr2d2 - gain all war machines
  • And here are some from The Shadows of Death expansion pack:
  • nwcthereisnospoon - 999 creatures and All Spells
  • nwczion - all Buildings
  • nwcneo - gain +1 Level for Hero
  • In case you don't see it the cheats are references to - Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Star Wars Episode 1, and The Matrix movies.

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